Last modified: Monday, 14-Jan-2013 16:46:45 CST
Do you need a prepared map that you can print at home, special education at school, or in the office? Look below at our expanding list of maps formatted to be viewed,Google satellite google satellite. printed, or downloaded.
GIF (Graphics Interchange Format)
PDF (Portable Document Format)
are registered trademarks of the United States Department of the Interior
Help us improve the National Atlas
In 1972, Landsat began transmitting views of our planet back to Earth. The first Landsat and its five successors (two of them in operation now) have delivered millions of new images from a satellite orbiting 438 miles above the Earth. Landsats orbit enables a new image to be recorded every sixteen days of any area on the Earths suce. In October, 2008, the U.S. Geological Survey opened the Landsat archive to user access at no charge.
These maps are for use on the World Wide Web and can be viewed in your browser window.
These maps can be printed using your home or office printer. Each map is designed to fit a 8.5- by 11-inch sheet of .
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File Sizes: The file sizes of these maps in PDF format range from 1MB to 17MB.
File Sizes: The average file size for maps in GIF format is 200KB.
You will need Adobe Acrobat Reader software to view and print PDF files.
These Satellite View maps were created from mosaics of many Landsat images joined together. Colors were selected to better show variations in the landscape. Relief shading was added to enhance the terrain and make the landforms more apparent.
The maps are available in the following formats.